Dimitris studied Molecular Biology and Genetics in Greece and subsequently went on to do lab work with John Strouboulis at BSRC “Alexander Fleming” in Athens and Karim Labib at the Paterson Institute of Cancer Research in Manchester. He earned an MSc in Bioinformatics and a PhD in Computational Biology from the University of Athens and in collaboration with the NCSR “Demokritos” working with Yannis Almirantis on the mystery of Conserved Noncoding Elements (CNEs). During his PhD, he also spent three months at EPFL working with Philipp Bucher under an EMBO short-term fellowship on classification methods of CNEs. Having gained experience on the field of ultraconserved elements and long – range regulation, he is now hoping to understand long-range regulation and the contribution of CNEs, Genomic Regulatory Blocks and cohesin in establishing the complex architecture of our genomes. He is also part of the FANTOM6 consortium.